The Canadian PressThe Wingnutosphere will no doubt be atwitter with their requisite responses:
December 19, 2007 at 11:28 AM EST
A new poll suggests Stephen Harper's Conservatives have lost their big lead over the Liberals, plunging six percentage points in popular support in just one week. The Canadian Press Harris-Decima survey puts the Tories at 30-per-cent support, in a statistical tie with the Liberals, who are up four points to 32 per cent.
Support for the Tories dropped across all regions and demographic
- Poll? What poll? We don't believe in polls.
- It's the CBC!
- It's the Red Star!
- Sound of deafening silence as BTs ignore story altogether.
Take your pick.
TOO GOOD TO PASS UP: Researchers have discovered a giant rat in Indonesia! Originally thought to have been a new species, Stephen Harper today confirmed that it is not.