What do you do when you're a brain-dead, mindless zombie that's incapable of independent thought?
1. You vote Conservative.
2. You drool a lot.
Yes, Conservative Party headquarters has mined a new low (or perhaps merely acknowledged the existing low in the IQ of their supporters) by providing grassroots supporters with lists of talking points and party spin to pass off as their own 'thoughts' on call-in radio shows.
Surf the party website. Type in your postal code. Click on a topic you'd like to discuss on the radio. And the website spits out the times, phone numbers, and names of local talk shows to call — along with a handy list of good things to say about the Conservatives and bad things to say about their opponents. The website includes similar advice for letter-writers to newspapers.
No word if the website also includes instructions on how to dial a telephone, or if CPC supporters are left to figure that out all by themselves.