If you're the legal type, the infamous affidavits can be viewed
here and
I must confess, I tried reading through them, but got bogged down pretty quickly. I guess I don't have the stomach for all that legalese. But we all get the gist of the documents: the Conservatives are accused of playing fast and loose with election campaign financing rules to the tune of just over 1 million dollars.
What I find infinitely more interesting than the nuts and bolts of the "In & Out" scam is the haphazard and completely inept way the Conservatives dealt with whole thing. It was emblematic of the way they have handled pretty much every bump in the road since they've been in office.
Running a press conference should be a pretty straightforward exercise. Here's how most people would do it:
1. Announce a press conference
2. Show up, deliver your message, field some questions from the media
3. Leave, preferably via the front door.
Here's how the Conservatives decided to
play it:
1. Spend a few days dodging questions in the House of Commons
Opposition: Can we see the warrant?
James Moore/Peter VanLoan: We don't have the affidavits.
Opposition: Um ok. How 'bout the warrant?
James Moore/Peter VanLoan: I told you, we don't have the affidavits.
Opposition: W-A-R-R-A-N-T?
James Moore/Peter VanLoan: [long pause]....Adscam!
2. Finally decide to release the affidavits...but only to selected CPoC-friendly journalists
3. Act surprised that word of the private invitations spread
4. Hastily change the venue of the private spin-doctoring session at the last minute
5. Act surprised when the media finds out about the new location
6. Call the whole thing off halfway through
7. Escape down a fire exit
These are the same assclowns who are responsible for governing our nation. Collectively, we should all be very afraid...no matter what's in the affidavits.