As I was browsing the internet today, I came across this interesting (and somewhat disturbing) Angus Reid poll. It explored Canadian attitudes toward creationist theory, in light of the recent openings of creationist "museums" in Kentucky and - surprise, surprise -Alberta. In addition, our very own Public Safety Minister, the Honourable Stockwell Day, has famously claimed that the earth is only about 6000 years old, and that there is scientific 'proof' that man and dinosaur co-existed.
Anyways, here are some of the poll results:
Which of these statements comes closest to your own point of view regarding the origin and development of human beings on earth?
Human beings evolved from less advanced life forms over millions of years - 59%
God created human beings in their present form within the last 10,000 years - 22%
Not sure - 19%
The Big Valley Creation Science Museum opened this month in Alberta. One of the museum’s displays suggests that dinosaurs and human beings co-existed on earth. Do you agree or disagree with this assertion?Agree - 42%
Disagree - 37%
Not sure - 21%
So what to make of this? Clearly, a majority of Canadians (nearly 60%) support the Darwinian notion of evolution. Yet 42% of Canadians also agree with the preposterous idea that man and dinosaurs co-existed, outnumbering slightly those who disagree. Coexistence is one of the fundamental tenets of modern day creationist thinking, and displays to this effect are present in both the Alberta and the Kentucky creationist museums. According to Grant Lafleche of the St. Catharines Standard, even the pollsters at Angus Reid were perplexed by the apparent contradiction.
I have been pondering these numbers all day, and I must confess they are puzzling to me as well. I can only conclude that while most Canadians accept evolutionary theory, many are not well enough versed in it to understand that it precludes the coexistence of man and dinosaur. Or perhaps they are merely confused at the sight of intellectual dinosaurs like Stockwell Day roaming freely amongst normal, thinking human beings in Ottawa.
Perhaps more schools, community centres, pre-schools, daycares, museums, aquariums, zoos, pre-history exhibits, pet stores, etc., should all be supplied with the Timeline of Earth's Geology and Natural History from National Geographic.
Im a Alberta con but that creationist crap numbs my brain.....
God created Stockwell Day? whoops, we all make mistakes now and then.
And your problem with people who hold the Bible to be true are what, exactly?
You seem to assume that people of faith must be wrong, and/or inherantly stupid... now, in Canada, where freedom of religion is a Charter right that we all hold dear, are you suggesting that Christians should be forcefully "re-educated"?
Take your suggestions to their logical conclusions... that is what you're suggesting, right?
CC - And your problem with people who hold the Bible to be true are what, exactly?
I have no inherent problem with any religious person of any faith, per se. There are a great many people who are Christian, but have no difficulty accepting scientific fact. But I do take issue with those who blindly accept absurd notions (or try to disguise them as pseudo-scientific "intelligent design" mumbo jumbo) in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary, simply because such notions are "in the Bible". In so far as such people eschew empirical evidence in favour of religious indoctrination, they demonstrate a shocking lack of critical thinking skills. Red Tory has blogged on this theme today. I'm not nearly as eloquent as he, so I invite you to read his comments here.
in Canada, where freedom of religion is a Charter right that we all hold dear, are you suggesting that Christians should be forcefully "re-educated"?
Please. Enough with the cheeseball hyperbole. Yes, freedom of religion is a Charter right. No, I'm not "suggesting" that anyone be forcibly re-educated. *sigh*
And by the way, the question "are you suggesting" is not an invitation to insert whatever crazy innuendo you wish thereafter. If you can show me where I implied that Christians should be "forcibly re-educated", then do so. Otherwise, your paranoid delusions of persecution are best suited for a ranch in Montana.
RC — Why is that so many Christian “conservatives” make such absurd, silly arguments? That’s a rhetorical question, no need to answer it. I think we know why.
Anyway, nowhere in your post did I get the faintest suggestion from you that “re-education” of people holding creationist beliefs or mistakenly thinking that dinosaurs and man co-existed was in order. Sadly, this sort of illogical, paranoid nonsense is entirely typical of the victimization mind-set of kooky SoCons who feel they’re being persecuted because of their faith. Nor did you say or even suggest that “people of faith” are “inherently stupid” although clearly those people holding the view that dinosaurs and man co-existed are quite utterly wrong. That doesn’t mean they’re stupid, although they might well be dumb as rocks for all I know.
It seemed quite obvious to me that you, as am I, were puzzled by the lack of cognitive dissonance evident amongst those believing in evolution and mankind’s co-existence with creatures that passed out of existence some 60 million years before even the earliest hominid predecessors of man made their appearance on the evolutionary timeline. It’s possible that many people aren’t aware of the glaring contradiction otherwise it makes no sense whatsoever. I’d always presumed this was the most obvious sort of common knowledge, but apparently not. Perhaps says something about the sorry state of our education system.
I'm fall into the "unsure" category when it comes to the origins of life on earth. I distrust both sides of the issue. I don't think it really matters in most people's lives. In general, whether one believe in evolution or creationism (or something else), it has zero effect on how one lives. Now arguably it can have an effect on the school curriculum. But beyond that, most people don't spend a lot of time thinking about dinosaurs or the Big Bang (or even Adam and Eve).
I guess I'm "live and let live" on this issue.
RT - Perhaps says something about the sorry state of our education system.
I was thinking along those very lines. It seems only a fraction of the message is getting through. People are accepting of the science of evolution, but many are perhaps under-educated as to the rudimentary timelines involved.
Suzanne - I guess I'm "live and let live" on this issue.
I certainly don't begrudge anyone their right to believe what they wish.
In general, whether one believe in evolution or creationism (or something else), it has zero effect on how one lives. Now arguably it can have an effect on the school curriculum.
Here I would suggest that the implications of certain beliefs do in fact extend to the school curriculum and beyond. When people with political power demonstrate contempt for empirical scientific fact (such as Stockwell Day insisting the earth is only 6000yrs old and that man & dinosaur coexisted), it has implications for all Canadians. These are the people who develop policy and pass laws that affect us all. I for one have serious misgivings about entrusting the governance of the nation to people who are capable of so casually dismissing rational thought and scientific evidence in favour of religious doctrine, regardless of their religion or political stripe.
RC — I’d add to your observations that Suzanne’s contention it has “zero effect” is either dimwitted or disingenuous. If one accepts Creationism as a valid proposition then it follows one must also accept the bible as being literally the True Word of God. The implications of that belief, when held by those in public office and/or those in positions to influence public policy, do, in fact, have very real consequences, and not “zero effect” as Suzanne would glibly maintain.
I am interested enough in this topic to have attended a creationist presentation at a Baptist Church on Friday 10th August.
The speaker was proposing that the flood was a literal historic event. Apparently 50 pairs of dinosaurs were housed on the ark for about a year along with two of every other kind of animal. Apparently CMI (Creation Ministries International) did a feasibility study on this and concluded that this was indeed feasible! hahaha!
I have the talk on video and will be making some 'highlights' available on youtube within the next week
Sorry to come in so many months late on the discussion.
I would go further in suggesting to Suzanne that it does matter in the extreme that the Minister of Public Safety believes in creationism and not evolution.
If a massive outbreak of avian flu or West Nile hits any part of the country, medical and pharmacological specialists are going to need a lot of help from Mr. Day's ministry.
As we know from DDT spraying of mosquitos with malaria, forced evolution with the speedy mosquito lifestyle means within a few short years killing off the viruses and their host mosquitos becomes harder and harder because they are evolving. Witness the antibiotic superbugs becoming more common due to over-prescription.
If the man in charge of saving everyone (Day) doesn't believe evolution is occuring, he can hardly be effective in swiftly addressing the problem.
And that's hoping he doesn't just chalk it all up to "God's Plan".
Not believing in evolution and holding public office is like not believing in gravity and holding public office. Scary and ineffective.
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