In case you've been wondering what Senator Fatty McDildo's been up to lately, he's been out
earning his public salary by shilling for small town jerkwater Conservative candidates - that's what!
“I think senators work harder than we journalists ever gave them credit for,” he said, chuckling.
We journalists? Ho ho ho ho, that lardy clown, pretending he used to be a journalist, when we all know he was actually a comedian! Back then, he used to make
funny jokes like this:
"I said 'I'm not much of a partisan.' [Duffy] said 'We've got lots of partisans, we don't need any more partisans"
But that was back when times were simple, men were men, and trans-fats were all the rage. Nowadays, the good Senator Duffy is being paid by Joe Q Taxpayer, and is
rolling himself from town to town spreading non-partisan messages like this:
“The Conservative Party is not your grandfather’s party, it is the party that will take Canada into the future — you have many achievements to be proud of. [...] "What kind of work do I think Michael Ignatieff is doing? He works very hard and he is doing the work of three people — Larry, Moe and Curly,” said Duffy in a series of rapid-fire jokes. “What is the difference between a member of the NDP and a Liberal? About $500 of suit material,” went another.
Ha ha ha ha! Zinnng! Curiously, that's also the difference between Duffy and a normal-sized human being. But I digress. The point is that (pound for pound) Mike Duffy is the funniest Senator in Canada.
Sounds like the Liberals now want to get rid of any overweight people (who might vote for them).
Political comment shouldn't decend to personal appearance attacks, after all, 'Iggy is skinny'.
Yes, quite a brilliant analysis. That is precisely what the Liberals want to do - "get rid of any overweight people".
Good grief.
Oy. Do you have to be a complete maroon to support the Conservatives? I mean, is it a rule or something? Part of the qualification criteria...
Anyway, that picture really cracked me up. "Some think him fat, foolish..." LOL
Rocket Robin Hood. Man, I just hated that cartoon when I was a kid. One of the worst. Ever.
RT - Rocket Robin Hood. Man, I just hated that cartoon when I was a kid. One of the worst. Ever.
Really? I used to get a kick out of it. It was so weird and over-the-top, with Friar Tuck literally taking one bite out of a chicken leg, and then chucking it over his shoulder. LOL!
That one and JonnyQuest were classics.
Do you have to be a complete maroon to support the Conservatives?
I suppose you don't have to be...but it sure helps.
Liberals want to get rid of fat tories? Good grief, that would eliminate half the Tory caucus.
Not nice, I know, but just couldn't help myself.
RuralSandi - LOL! Yeah, they're single-handedly keeping the Big And Tall stores in business, that's for sure!
Perhaps if he keeps blogging furiously, Dr. Roy can earn his way into the Senate as well. After all, HMPM Harper seems to have an eye for quality "journalism."
Good gawd - Dr. Roy is a doctor? He can't spell - I wouldn't want a subscription written by HMhim.
Heh. Friar Duff. He doesn't take just one bite and throw it over his shoulder...
MD - Dr Roy certainly fits the 'profile'...
Good gawd - Dr. Roy is a doctor?
dr roy is indeed a little more than a doctor - he's a specialist...
One would think that someone with such strong opinions and love of free markets would have relieved himself of working within the confines of socialized medicine but alas the man has no such ethics. It seems he'll gladly squeeze any system for all the money he can get...
I hate myself for saying this, but your Friar Tuck stand in is not quite fat enough to be Duffy.
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