Usually, when you're marginally qualified and abysmally incompetent at doing something, you don't go around publicizing it. For instance, Paris Hilton has appeared in B-movies such as House of Wax and Bottoms Up, but even she would scarcely call herself an actress. That's why it is amazing to me that Stephen Harper continues to refer to himself as an "economist". The man has been absolutely and unequivocally WRONG about every single opinion he's delivered on the state of the Canadian economy since last fall. So it was no big surprise today to find out that his January economic forecast was...wait for it...WRONG.
Canada's federal budget watchdog warned MPs yesterday that the worsening recession has rendered the Harper government's January economic forecasts obsolete, predicting Ottawa will slide $10-billion deeper into deficit over the next 24 months with near-record levels of red ink ahead.Ouch. And that's coming from the guy who the Conservatives appointed to be the Parliamentary Budget Officer! The response was typically idiotic.
Conservative MP Mike Wallace said Mr. Page shouldn't have jumped to that conclusion and urged more focus on good news. “I believe part of the issue facing Canada and the world is we need some of the positive stuff.[...]I myself purchased two cars these past two weeks. I am doing my share."What the fuck? How totally out of touch is this whackjob? Hey Mike, I'm sure your out-of-work pensionless constituents in Burlington will be plum fucking thrilled to hear that you just bought two new cars, you brainless douchebag. Hell, that kind of news alone might just fix our whole economy, dontcha think?
On Wednesday [Page] told MPs that he's also having difficulty getting the federal Finance Department to provide him the raw financial data he needs for his analysis and forecasting.
Tory MPs defended withholding some documents, saying they've obtained a legal opinion that the confidentiality of Harper cabinet deliberations could be compromised by giving them to the office.
Well I am glad that Iggy will keep them on probation!
I have a feeling that the Connies have no clue what is happening and will just print money to solve all this.
CWTF - Yeah, I was not too thrilled that the Libs acquiesced on the 3 billion dollar package without any real oversight in place.
Having said that, I hope we can finally put to rest the myth that Conservatives are good fiscal managers.
I've been around enough to know that Conservatives are poor fiscal managers. I guess that the perception of bloated men in business suits give people that false impression for some reason....
Brian Mulroney should have put to rest the myth that Conservatives are good fiscal managers. Or if not him, then certainly Mike Harris...or Grant Devine...or Gary Filmon... Some myths never die.
...or GWB. Part of the problem is that we don't really have media types with the balls to expose this stuff. Usually they just go along with the spin.
Page didn't request a transcript.
What is happening here is they can't think of any good red-ink spin to ship to CTV and Global yet, so J.Flaherty is just stuffing gauze in his ears.
I saw someone do this before and he had severe mental illness and was rambling a bunch of incoherent nonsense nonstop, bugging the hell outta everyone else. I worry for Flaherty.
Whoever survives SJ-Ducks will get destroyed next round.
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